My name is Mary Ann Jensen. I love to write and illustrate books. I self-published my first book, “The Lost Mermaid”, in 2019. It was a pretty big hit. Since then I have been working on a series called the Sundance Spring Series. The first two books in the series, “Would You Rather?” and “M.A.S.H.” are coming soon and I am excited to find new ways to sell them. I visit Craft Lake City every year with my mom, dad, and sister and thought it would be really fun to participate this year.
I am a 6th grader at Butler Middle School, where I serve as a Student Body Officer. I’m also an active member of the Punctuation Awareness Committee. Besides writing and illustrating books, I love making pop-up cards, enjoy studying meteorology, playing Barbies with my sister, playing the piano, acting, and I am a member of the Stars and On Stage Choirs at Hale Centre Theatre. I live in Cottonwood Heights, Utah.

Mary Ann
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