Jessenia & Ana

My name is Jessenia. I’m 7 years old. My hair is a lot straighter than my little sister’s. My birthday is on February 22. I like drawing pictures a lot. I started liking art when I drew my first picture. Sometimes my little sister named Ana helps me make art.

I make some books by using paper, staplers, and crayons. I have made some picture books. I make them because I really like doing art with paper and crayons. I got happy when my parents told me I could enter my books to sell at Craft Lake City.

My favorite book that I have made is “This is a egotelon.” It is pronounced “egglump,” and my mom helped me make the cover of the book. Two of my other books are together, like a set. They are called “The Zoo 1” and “The Zoo 2.” They are about a little girl who goes to the zoo and finds things out about the zoo.

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My Age: 7 years old